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Surf to Turf?

We often refer to our approach as following nature’s own design when it comes to energizing plant life and the soils they grow in. The active, interdependent relationship between plants, Mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria on the forest floor is our inspiration and goal.

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Killer Construction

Construction sites are often brutal on the land. While the building of something new is exciting, the soil pays a price in the meantime.  It is stripped bare, turned over, compacted, neglected, sometimes polluted, and generally trampled upon.

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“Just Right” Watering

Water is essential to life, especially plant life in the middle of summer!  There are many well-known tips and guidelines you probably already follow, but sometimes there is a fine balance to effective watering.

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The Third Zone

When you want plants to thrive around a property, whether you are doing so as a homeowner or whether your job and business reputation depend on it, there are many different products and resources you can use. But there might be an opportunity — designed by nature itself — that you’ve been missing.

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Budget Tip for Parks & Rec

The image above is an actual photo taken just this week in a midwestern city not to be named here. What you see is not just a dead tree among others that were planted this spring. (In fact, if you look closely, you’ll see two more dead trees in the background.)

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A Match Made in Dirt

Soil isn’t just “dirt,” it’s an amazing ecosystem of its own. Thus when choosing a soil amendment or biostimulant, we believe the best approach is to set nature loose to thrive in the way it is already designed to do.

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The Full Spectrum of Soil Amendments

Soil amendments are not a new concept. It has been known and practiced for years that the success of a plant is not just dependent on its own health but also the quality of the soil where it resides. But with all this knowledge, one aspect of soil conditioning has just been gaining traction over the past few years. Are you taking advantage of it?

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